Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Preliminary Script

(Eddie walks through the rain, almost unaware that it has drenched his suit and hair. He sees a gutter, gushing water, and stares for a moment. We then see the gutter fade into the pouring of the glass, and we see Eddie sitting at a bar with a few empty shot glasses around him. He silently signals for another, after downing his third.)

So... What happened?

(Downs his drink, and smirks) my life has turned to shit.

(He stares at Eddie, clearly expecting more)

Well, I've lost my job as of today. My wife is about to leave me, and with her go my kids. My three kids. (Pause) So how about another drink?

(Shows no emotion, but after a moment pours another drink) You don't know pain...

What? Why do-

See that man? He looks like any old, worthless drunkard. That man lost truly everything. When he was 12 his mother and father were burnt alive for being Jewish, while he sat in a closet. Watching. He grew up off scraps roaming the streets, and eventually met a woman. She died at childbirth. Although he had one reason still there, keeping him alive. He had a daughter. But that glimmer of hope for him was extinguished when she was kidnapped at the tender age of 3. As I told you before, you don't know pain.

(Looks up in horror) Why are you telling me this?


Find your wife, do whatever you can to win her back. Love your children, never let them slip away. Careers come and go, family is permanent.

(Eddie leaves the bar and upon exit notices the world in a different light. The bartender however stays still for a moment, before taking out a photo of his daughter. He folds it neatly and puts it away.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

This is my mind map showing the Drama genre and whether or not i will follow its conventions

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

What social groups are we concerned with?


My protagonist depressed male going through a mid-life crisis. His marriage is struggling and he goes to the bar to drown his sorrows in beer. He skulks into the room and has very monotone, low voice that he speaks in. He's dressed in a messy suit that isn't tucked and is a relatively good looking man.

The bartender is an older man who is typically harsh. On top of that he’s a large man in terms of height and weight.


My lead protagonist is a middle aged, bored of his marriage due to the length of time he has been unhappy.
The bartender is around his 60s and is also a white male. He’s a typical hardy old fashioned bartender and runs his bar with a baseball bat beside him.
Age may be hard to portray as my actors are only my age (16) and wont be able to look much


Both of the main characters are white however the bartenders American while the protagonist is British. The British man seems like a more reserved and less talkative man than the bartender who is a man who speaks his mind when he feels he needs to.
This stereotypes both characters to their countries as Americans are known to be loud and brash whereas British people are known to be far more silent.


The protagonist is married with children, therefore he’s not homosexual.
At the end it is implied that the Bartender is the one with a daughter who was kidnapped therefore he is also proven to be heterosexual. He also is very manly and is the typical heterosexual man

Class and Status

Both of the two lead roles are middle class as they both earn (or to the depressed man earned) a stable wage. As the main part of the short film takes place in the bartender’s property, the bartender will have dominance over the depressed man.

Monday, 5 October 2015

My preliminary task will be a scene where a depressed man goes to a bar to drink away his sorrows and ends up meeting an interesting bartender.

In a cafe, as it is the perfect place for my idea.

  •  The barkeeper, wearing a white shirt and black trousers. He must be a good actor (the best of the three actors)
  • The depressed man, wearing a scruffier shirt and still in office attire 
  • The drunkard lying at the bar will be in messy clothes and will have a dozen empty beers around him (has no dialogue so is the worst of the three actors)

A middle aged now single father of 3 has just lost his job and in the same week lost custody of his children. He now walks through the street, distraught, however he spots a bar and decides to enter with the intention of drowning his sorrows in alcohol. The bartender asks him why he looks so down, and after telling him his story he bartender doesn't show any sympathy. He then tells the depressed man how the drunkard two seats away from him had his parents murdered for being Jewish and how his daughter, his only love in the world, was kidnapped at the delicate age of 3. The depressed man looks up in horror and shock. The bartender then tells him to find his children and cherish them, and never give up on his wife. The man thanks him and runs out of the bar, and begins to notice the world in a different light.. The bartender watches him leave before taking out a photo of his daughter...

  • Flask
  • Cup